- In the case that, with proven fault of our company, a wrong product was wrongly sold, by mistake in taking the order, in the invoice, in the shipping, you can bring it or send it to the store within 10 working days from the date you receive the product. In that case, the cost of transporting and replacing the product is the company’s burden. If replacement is not possible, we will suggest a similar product.
- If a product you received is problematic you can bring it or send it to the store within 10 working days of the date you receive the product. In this case, you will be charged for the cost of returning the product. If the product exhibits a manufacturing defect, we replace it immediately for free. If replacement is not possible, we will recommend a similar product.
- When you want to return a product without having to tell us why you wish to return, you can bring it or send it to the store within 10 working days of the date you receive the product. In that case, you will be charged for the cost of returning the product.
- When you want to replace a product with another product of the same or higher value by paying the difference, you can bring it or send it to the store within 10 working days of the date you receive the product. In that case, you will be charged for the cost of returning the products.
Returns-Replacements are only accepted within 10 working days of the date you receive the product. If it is not returned within 10 working days then the company may refuse to accept any refund and replacement. In any case and for all the above cases, the maximum repayment period for replacement may not be extended beyond ten (10) working days from the date of receipt. Before each return, it is advisable to consult with our store.
Repayment and replacement are only accepted if the products and their packaging, that you wish to return or replace, are in the same excellent condition as received by the customer, complete and undamaged, along with your receipt or invoice.
In order to avoid your own inconvenience, it is advisable to carefully check the status of the products and their intact at the time of delivery of your order in order to detect any obvious defects (for example error in the supplied item, etc.).
In the case of returning the product and depending on how you choose to pay your order and how it will be refunded, your refund will be refunded within 30 days, from the date of receipt from us the product.
In all cases, return and replacement is possible under the following conditions:
– Communicate the same day or next business day with our store by phone or by e-mail.
-Within 10 working days from the date you receive the product. However, if the expiry of this period coincides with a holiday, the time limit shall be extended until the next working day.
For your wish to return or replace your product please let us know by e-mail at : or by phone at +302108217227 and +306947492233.